
Simplicity is good.

As I prepare for my move across the country, I am beginning to go through my belongings and see which ones I will keep, and which ones I will sell. What I’ve found had surprised me - I have a lot of stuff that I don’t use. I have a lot of stuff that I don’t need. I have a lot of stuff that I don’t even want. About 80% of my stuff I could easily live without.

So I’ve sold some stuff, donated some, and my room is starting to feel empty. I feel a sense of peculiar freedom. No longer must I find a place for everything. I can keep my room clean more easily. I feel less distracted. I’m being more productive with less.

This simplicity is showing itself in other areas of my life. In the code I write, in the food I cook. I yearn to rid my life of unneeded complexity.